Taking down the Christmas tree today was a huge relief, doesn't it just get in the way? I don't want one next year, but then I said that last year. Christmas is just way too stressful and it isn't going to happen next year unless someone else makes it happen for me. But then I said that last year too.
Got a good fire going in the stove and took the dogs for a short walk. The crafty cat hid by the bird table in a sort of cave created by thick snow covering some dying bracken. She was obviously hoping for an easy lunch of some poor blue tit. I chased her off and crushed her shelter. I'm bad! She can eat cat meat like the others. I watched her diving head first into snow drifts, legs askew, then standing up to look at the pattern she made in the snow. She then saw me and denied it all.
Drove out to get a takeaway tonight. The Chinese restaurant very topically has frozen prices! Oh, the irony.
The last four miles of the journey was tricky, lots of ice. It is not always white but it is always slippery. Arriving home I noticed that it the temperature is -6.5C and dropping.
No more turkey though...
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